Janey Centre for Special Education is a society registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Regulation Act Xll of 1955 (ER:175/92).It is also registered with The Social Justice Department of Govt.of Kerala under Registration Numbers SJD/5554/2021-RPWD1 (Special School) and SJD/392/2023-PO(RPWD) (Vocational Training Centre). Contributions to Janey Centre are exempted from Income Tax under Section 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 and Janey Centre has been registered with The Office of the Registrar of Companies for undertaking CSR activities (Reg.No.CSR00019544). Janey Centre is also authorized by The Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA Wing) to receive Foreign Contributions under Section 16 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 read with Rule 12 of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011 (Reg.No.052850419). The accounts of the society is audited by M/s. P.J George and Associates, Kochi and we submit annual IT returns.


“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”


Rehabilitate differently abled children as productive members of the society with
• Medical and therapeutic assistance
• Imparting academic training
• Equipping with Vocational skills


To render the best habilitation measures to the differently abled so as to lead a good life

The administration, management of the Society and its properties is managed by the Board of Trustees.The Board of Trustees elects once in 3 years from among themselves, an executive committee is formed details as follows

H G Joseph Mor Gregorios

Mrs.Rosamma Varghese

Rev.Fr. Samson Meloth

Chev. K.O.Varghese

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